Elektriske bommer i høyre- eller venstre utførelse, i stengt posisjon holder drivmekanismen bommen låst, ved strømbrudd åpnes bommen for hånd. Bommene kan utstyres med trafikklys, LED-lys, årsur, detektorsløyfer i bakken, fotocelle, elektrisk låsing av bomrør til mottaksstolpe, undertetting av aluminium profiler under bomrør. Bommen kan tilkobles alle styresystemer / åpnesystemer (impuls) som kortleser, kodelås, trykknapper, radioutstyr, GSM-åpner, detektor-åpnesløyfe i bakken, nøkkelbryter, etc.
Physical area protection is defined as a system and technique designed to protect people and access within a defined area by preventing unauthorized persons from gaining physical access. The primary defense is the peripheral boundary for which we designed the Heras Security Model. This model fulfills five objectives: To delimit the area of the property, deter, delay and detect unwanted intrusion and to prevent unauthorized access. For more than 70 years, Hera has successfully met and exceeded customers’ safety and security needs across Europe. It is with this experience, combined with the staff’s constant competence development that makes it possible for us to say that we are «Experts in area protection».